Vacation Coordinator

Contact me at The Tropical Travelers.
Why I Travel…

I’m always up for an adventure. Give me sand between my toes, ocean waves, new sights to see and I’m in my happy place! I grew up going to Avalon, NJ and that’s where my love for the beach and vacations started. There is nothing better than anticipating an upcoming trip, whether it be traveling near or far, the memories and experiences are always something to cherish. My son is young, but that hasn’t stopped us from taking advantage of any opportunity that comes our way and I can’t wait to show him around the world!
Where I’ve traveled…

Besides exploring a number of popular domestic areas such as Los Angeles, Savannah, Chicago, Florida Keys and Las Vegas, I have had the opportunity to travel to Bermuda, Antigua, Jamaica and Hawaii. Each destination has a unique feel, a new food to try, and a different sunset to see. By working with The Tropical Travelers, I’m looking forward to learning and experiencing as many new places as possible. My travel bucket list continues…