Meet the tropical travelers

Rachel McNally

Executive Coordinator for Jennifer Byrne

contact me

610.296.6363 ext. 105


Vacation Coordinator for Jennifer Byrne

Where I’ve been:

Besides exploring several popular domestic areas such as Los Angeles, Savannah, Hilton Head, Florida Keys & Hawaii, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Bermuda, Antigua, Jamaica, Mexico and the Bahamas. Each destination has a unique feel, a new food to try, a different beach and sunset to see. By working with The Tropical Travelers, I’ve learned about so many new places to go, my travel bucket list continues…

If I had an unlimited travel budget…

Italy – Have never been Europe, want to see Positano, eat and drink everything they are known for, and learn about the history!

My Top 5 Favorite Destinations I’ve Traveled to:

  • Antiqua
  • Bahamas
  • Mexico
  • Bermuda
  • Hawaii

Ready to begin your journey?